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Ideas Portal
Status Awaiting Prioritization
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 23, 2023

Flag Use with Candidates Access within the Vacancy Page

Idea: Assign flags from the vacancy applications view rather than having to navigating to the candidate details and setting the flag from there.

My manager and I have been looking into the flagging candidate function of Networx. It has come to our attention that it would theoretically be a great part of Networx to utilize. When looking into the candidate flags further, it has become obvious that we could really benefit from using this function.

The issue is that in order to use flags, it is not easy to access, and includes quite a few screens to get there.

Can you please advise if we could add this "Assign Flag" button as an option to the "Click to view Candidate Actions" burger menu? We would love to utilize this function.

The "Assign Flag" option is currently only available, when clicking on "Click to view Candidate Actions" burger menu and then clicking on "More details" for the candidate and then going to the person's name, and then clicking on profile, then you can see the "Assign Flag option", but not available in the part of the vacancy, where we would most commonly view the candidate's names and the information on their applications.

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