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Remove Staff Grade from Interview Information Email

We don't want to pull the staff grade through to this email as it is not usually the staff grade that is used to sign off emails within our business.
Sarah Murray over 1 year ago in  0

Interview Feedback button on front page and format

When a manager is viewing a CV on the system, for them to be able to view any feedback recruiters have written in the interview section they have to click multiple times to get to the relevant screens. Is there anyway for a button to be moved to ...
Guest over 1 year ago in  0

Interview Drop Outs

At the moment when we go to do provide feedback on an interview it asks if the interview went ahead or not. But we would like there to be some follow up questions when we cancel the interview. At the moment the candidate just goes back to the shor...
Guest over 1 year ago in  0

Panel Lead to be able to enter interview details, but not via vacancy notes

It used to be set up so that the Panel Lead could enter the interview details (date, time slots, panel, venue, etc.) once they had finalised shortlisting and that when we, the Vacancy Administrator, would go in to send the invites, we would see th...
Guest over 1 year ago in  0

List view on cadidate search screen

On the candidate search screen the tiles don't make is easy to see how many candidates have matched you search. There is also isnt a number showing the number of candidates returned by the search
Guest almost 2 years ago in  0 Planned

Remove applicant contact details for panel members on confirmation of interview.

Our Data Protection Officer has advised that the current arrangement leads to data incidents and we would like the ability to remove candidate personal details from panel.
Robert Ferns almost 2 years ago in  0

Make it easier for candidates to scroll through vacancies

When candidates scroll through vacancies that match their criteria, they are presented with the full job description for each role that meets their criteria. It would be better if they were presented with a list of titles with a short snip of the ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in  0

User to receive an email automatically from the system when they have been added as a user to a vacancy

It helps remind users to go into the system when they have tasks to complete. It also informs a user when an advert has been placed. Thus preventing having to manually go in to check.
Guest about 1 month ago in Notifications 1 Planned

Ability to make the notes area on the vacancy authorisation page mandatory

It would be useful if employers had the option to make this field mandatory. For our Company this would ensure that comments were made in regards to the authorisation of vacancies.
Sarah Murray over 1 year ago in  1